Sunday, December 13, 2009

Katie Kirk & EightHourDay

Katie Kirk makes illustrating look easy. Rest assured, it's not. Perhaps it's
the simple, fairly geometric shapes that make her illustrations look like they were made with ease. Or the fact that a great majority of the imagery that she creates never feels heavily saturated with content. Every shape and object placed on the picture plane seems to be there for a reason and have a purpose. Maybe that's why I love her work so much. Or perhaps I'm just overly charmed by the fact that her and her husband Nathan Strandberg have their own Design firm called EightHourDay.

I like to think that the husband & wife team go to the office to make amazing work and then go back home and wash dishes while singing-a-long to Mates of State (also a husband & wife duo.) I'm not so sure this is true, in fact I have my doubts. But husband and wife teams sure are charming nevertheless, as are Katie Kirk's illustrations, just plain old charming.+

You can view more of Katie Kirk's work by going to her personal site at

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